Whether you’re navigating the ups and downs of your menstrual cycle or experiencing the transitions of perimenopause and menopause, I’m here to help. My Hormone Health services include DUTCH hormone testing and are tailored to women seeking relief from hormonal imbalances, offering personalized guidance to restore vitality and well-being.

DUTCH Hormone Program

Reclaim your health and restore hormonal happiness!

Your hormones control everything – from weight, mood, energy, anxiety levels, motivation, and more. Learning exactly which hormones need support is crucial to feeling better and ultimately seeing results.

The DUTCH Hormone program uniquely strives to balance sex hormones and the stress response to help you overcome your symptoms. Did you know that the adrenal glands take on the primary role for making your sex hormones once the ovaries begin to shut down? This is in addition to their other major role, which is to make our stress hormones. It’s no wonder that many women start to feel symptoms in their 40’s, which is when we start to experience this hormonal shift. 

If you’ve experienced any of the following symptoms, we can learn a lot from the DUTCH Complete Test:

  • Hot flashes or Night sweats
  • Mood swings or Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Poor memory
  • Headaches or Migraines
  • Low sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness or discomfort
  • Weight gain or Difficulty losing weight
  • Bone loss
  • Loss of strength or muscle mass
  • Hair thinning or hair loss

What you can find out from the DUTCH Complete Test:

Sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone). These hormones affect your mood, body composition, sex drive, fertility, menstrual irregularities, PMS and menopausal symptoms. 

Stress hormones (DHEA, cortisol, and melatonin). These hormones are critical to your emotional and physical well-being. Imbalances impact energy, mood, sleep, blood sugar management, digestion, and weight. The daily cortisol pattern provides further insight into energy and sleep issues. 

Detoxification patterns. Detoxification of estrogen and the breakdown of testosterone are also assessed with DUTCH. How estrogen is being detoxified is an important consideration when there is an increased risk for breast cancer and other estrogen-dependent cancers. You can read more about that here. Testosterone breakdown is also considered and related to conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). 

Oxidative stress (80Hdg). This marker assesses oxidative DNA damage in the body. Along with chronic stress, degenerative diseases (e.g., diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and chronic hepatitis), and cancer affect hormones like estrogen and cortisol. 

Much more…including markers for vitamins B6 and B12 (Xanthurenate, Kynurenate, Methylmalonate), your need for Glutathione (your body’s MASTER antioxidant), and neurotransmitter metabolites (dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine). 

How does DUTCH compare to other hormone tests?

It’s a great question! There are some compelling reasons to use DUTCH…

DUTCH s. Saliva Testing

While the free cortisol pattern in saliva has clinical value, there is a significant missing piece to surveying a client’s HPA-Axis function with saliva testing – measuring cortisol metabolites. To properly evaluate a client’s cortisol status, free and metabolized cortisol should be measured to avoid misleading results when cortisol clearance is abnormally high or low. The same goes with sex hormones, measuring estrogen and androgen metabolites gives a fuller picture for more precise clinical understanding or diagnosis of hormonal imbalances and HRT monitoring.

DUTCH vs. Serum Testing

While the most common testing method, serum testing is lacking in some areas. Adrenal hormones cannot be effectively tested in serum because free cortisol cannot be tested throughout the day. There is also a lack of extensive metabolite testing (especially for cortisol and estrogens).

DUTCH vs. 24-Hour Urine Testing

There are two primary drawbacks to 24-hour urine testing of hormones. First, the collection is cumbersome, and as many as 40% of those who collect, do so in error. Secondly, dysfunction in the diurnal pattern of cortisol cannot be determined from a 24-hour collection.

What do we do with this information?

We use it! Well…I use it, to create a personalized SHINE protocol that includes diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations to help improve your hormone picture. 

All SHINE Protocols include:

S-tart with Gentle Detox Start with my Love Your Liver Whole Foods Detox Program

Begin toxin clean up removal from diet and surroundings. Support the liver, start healing the gut.

H-ealing Diet


Direction on how to transition to a permanent healing diet where the focus is on clean, whole foods.

Blood sugar balancing is key as hormone restoration is reliant on a healthy insulin response.

I-implement Stress & Sleep Strategies

(most every symptom and imbalance can track back to lack of poor quality sleep. Poor memory is often more about sleep than hormonal imbalance).

Sleep, a top priority; evening sleep hygiene strategies provided.

Relaxation and stress perception strategies incorporated.

N-utrient & Supplement Support Basic cofactors and nutrients to ensure body can produce adequate hormones.

Liver detox, adrenal and natural hormone support (based on your test results)

E-xercise Appropriateness Varies depending on imbalances found in DUTCH Complete testing.

Regular movement; walking at a minimum.

Would you like to see example test results?

Click here to download a DUTCH Complete Female Sample Report.



  • 30-45 min. Consult to review your history, symptoms, and specific hormone-related challenges; collect your DUTCH test kit and review collection guidelines.
  • 1 (60 min) Session to explain your DUTCH results and review your personalized protocol and healing plan.
  • Your DUTCH test kit
  • My Love Your Liver Whole Food Detox Program (FREE) to kickstart your hormone reset and healing protocol.

*Subject to change due to duty imports. Cost in CI (Cayman Islands) dollars.